Autumn with Austen

Promenade to the library to spend Autumn with Austen, a mini series at the Cold Spring Branch where we’ll dive into the beloved author’s classic works.

Autumn with Austen

The three-part series is similar (albeit shorter) to last year’s Shaking Up Shakespeare. Like the latter, Autumn with Austen aims to shake up the ways in which attendees view classic literature.
Danielle Heiert, the Cold Spring Branch’s adult/teen services programmer, is an alumna of Northern Kentucky University.
“I saw how much everyone loved the Shakespeare series and I wanted to keep up that relationship with the English department,” says Heiert. “I know a lot of the professors’ personal favorites to teach about, so I wanted to bring in some new professors to talk about the works they love!”

Event Dates
All events take place from 6:30 to 8 pm.

Thursday, Sept. 26: Persuasion with Dr. Andrea Gazzaniga

Enjoy a classroom-style discussion of Persuasion with Northern Kentucky University’s Dr. Andrea Gazzaniga.

Dr. Gazzaniga goes on to say that she thinks we’re drawn to Austen “because, despite being set in a seemingly remote time period in a world far removed from our own, we can see a correlation between her characters and the people we know in our own lives. We all know a Mr. Collins, an Elizabeth Bennett, a Mr. Elton, or an Emma Woodhouse.”


Tuesday, Oct. 29: Kentucky Shakespeare Dance Workshop

Learn and perform the popular social dances of the past including Pavane, Gathering Peascods and more.


Thursday, Nov. 14: Tea Party and Film

A tea party and modern movie adaptation will close out the series.

Where can I read Jane Austen’s works?

You can find Jane Austen’s many works in our collection, both in physical and digital formats! Search by specific title or by author in the library’s catalog to place items on hold.

Some of Austen’s works are always available in our digital collection! Visit Kentucky Libraries Unbound and log in with your library card number, or search for her titles in the Libby by Overdrive app! If you have never used Libby or Kentucky Libraries Unbound and are unsure how to get started, visit any of our branches to speak with an Information Services staff member for assistance.

Jane Austen completed only six official works during her lifetime, two of which were published after her death. She also authored two unfinished novels and her ‘Juvenilia’ stories. To view a complete list of Austen’s works, please visit


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