DIY Tutorial: Happiness Jars

Spread a little happiness with our DIY Happiness Jars.
This DIY tutorial was created by Cody Elliott, our Newport Branch’s adult/teen services programmer. If you have any questions about the tutorial, please email him at
Happiness Jars
Happiness Jars are a gift that you can make to give to a friend, family member, loved one or a stranger. You can even make it for yourself. Each jar is filled with small notes that are meant to bring happiness to the reader.
You can write whatever you want on the notes, but I provide some examples at the end of this tutorial.
Materials Needed
- Something to write with
- Scissors
- Paper or Post-it Notes
- Jar (You can also use a cup, box, etc.)
- Tape
Step 1
Use scissors to cut the paper into small squares that you will write your notes on. For my jar, I actually didn’t have to cut anything since I used small Post-it Notes.
Step 2
Write your messages! Remember, these messages are meant to bring happiness and a smile to the person reading them. Please be as cheesy as you would like and put your entire heart into the process. If you run out of ideas or can’t think of anything to write, look at some of my examples at the end of this tutorial.
Step 3
Fold your messages and put them in the jar.
Step 4
On the front of the jar, tape a note to the individual you are giving the Happiness Jar to as a gift. The note can be as simple as:
This is a Happiness Jar! Every time you are feeling sad or overwhelmed, take out one of the notes and read it. You bring happiness into my life and with this, I hope that I can bring some into yours as well!
Step 5
This step is optional, but feel free to decorate your jar.
Step 6
Deliver the Happiness Jar to make someone’s day!
Message Ideas
Download the PDF below if you need some ideas for messages.
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