We Suggest: Our Favorite Middle Grade Reads

While there are many great middle grade books the library holds dear, our staff suggested four of their favorites from the genre. Middle grade books are geared toward middle school-aged children.

Our Favorite Middle Grade Reads

The Magisterium Series by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare

This is a series of 5 books which are all really quick reads, but they are SO good! I feel like the series is a perfect mix of Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, and Avatar: The Last Airbender, so you really can’t go wrong with those!

– Danielle Heiert, adult/teen services programmer, Cold Spring Branch

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 Wolf Hollow by Lauren Wolk

Exploring the themes of bullying and injustice in a small town and set against the backdrop of World War II, Wolf Hollow can be depressing at times. Its heroine, however, is compelling and inspirational as she learns to come to terms and pave her own way in a world that isn’t always safe or nice.

– Amy Carroll, programming and community engagement manager

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Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

Allegedly described as “Die Hard with fairies” by its author, Artemis Fowl is a roller coaster of a good time. Shenanigans include, but are not limited to: a child prodigy, all kinds of mythical creatures, a code of glyphs running along the footnote, and copious amounts of crime. This book is most likely to blame for why I’m a sucker for some good witty banter and scheming.

– Stephanie Daugherty, patron services assistant, Newport Branch

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Turtle Boy by M. Evan Wolkenstein

It is about a seventh grade boy named Will who is struggling to fit in and finds solace with his collection of turtles he spent the summer rescuing. He begrudgingly starts his bar mitzvah community service project, which leads to an unexpected friendship that inspires him to finally come out of his shell.

– Molly Walker, children’s services Librarian, Cold Spring Branch

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Carla Oetinger is a perfect example of what Library Lovers Month is all about; a regular at Fort Thomas's Must Read Romance book club, Carla created a painting inspired by each theme they covered last year. 💗 We're smitten with the results! Carla is pictured here with Morgan Lockard-Ellis, Fort Thomas branch manager and the club's discussion leader. Interested in joining? The next date is Thursday, March 6 at 7 pm. All are welcome! ... See MoreSee Less

3 days ago
Carla Oetinger is a perfect example of what Library Lovers Month is all about; a regular at Fort Thomass Must Read Romance book club, Carla created a painting inspired by each theme they covered last year. 💗 Were smitten with the results! Carla is pictured here with Morgan Lockard-Ellis, Fort Thomas branch manager and the clubs discussion leader. Interested in joining? The next date is Thursday, March 6 at 7 pm. All are welcome!