NKY Forum: Meet the Judicial Candidates
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Hear from the appellate court candidates for two open seats in Northern Kentucky-based Sixth Judicial District. Chase Law Proffessor Ken Katkin will moderate. This will be held in the Digitorium at NKU’s College of Informatics and via Zoom.
To register for this program, please click here or visit the NKY Forum’s website nkyforum.org.
The Northern Kentucky Forum, Northern Kentucky University’s Chase College of Law, and the League of Women Voters of Northern Kentucky are sponsoring a forum to hear from the appellate court candidates for two open seats in Northern Kentucky-based judicial districts. One seat is on the Court of Appeals and the other on the Supreme Court. Chase Professor Ken Katkin will moderate.
• Kentucky Court of Appeals: Susanne Cetrulo and Robert Winter Jr.
• Kentucky Supreme Court: Joseph Fischer and Michelle Keller
Where: The Digitorium in the College of Informatics (Griffin Hall) on NKU’s campus. Parking in the Kenton Garage (free; vouchers will be provided)
Format: This event will be hybrid, meaning you can attend it in person or virtually. Indicate your preference when you register below.
COVID info: NKU encourages wearing masks but does not require them at this time. Please do not attend in person if you are sick or have been exposed to someone who is.
Northern Kentucky Forum
The Forum’s purpose is to foster civil, civic dialogue on topics of community interest. The Forum is a partnership between Campbell County Public Library, The Scripps Howard Center, Boone County Public Library and Kenton County Public Library. For more information about upcoming NKY Forum events visit www.nkyforum.org
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