Take & Make Program: Monster Mask Making

Saturday, July 25, 2020
4:00 pm

Make your most fearsome, fanciful, or fantastical face for the Monster Masquerade! Supplies will be provided in Take & Make bags, and at 5PM on July 25th we’ll have our Masquerade via Zoom. Hang out with your friends and see whose mask is most monstrous!

Registration is required for this virtual program. The program includes Take & Make bags that will provide everything you need to make the craft. Take & Make bags will be available for pickup starting a week before the craft program for those who have registered.

If you have any questions, please contact Tori at tstory@cc-pl.org.


  • A premade mask, or paper or cloth cut into a mask shape
  • Colored paper
  • Googly eyes
  • Any other decorative material like plastic gems, feathers, glitter
  • Tape or glue (not supplied in Take and Make bags)
  • Markers and/or paint (not supplied in Take and Make bags)
  • Scissors (not supplied in Take and Make bags)


Age Range:   11-19

Cold Spring Branch

Teen    DIY & Crafts