Take & Make Program: Dragon Eggs

Tuesday, July 21, 2020
2:00 pm

Your only adventure for acquiring a dragon egg of your own is to make it yourself. This simple craft will leave you with a rare wonder – just be sure to take excellent care of it.


  • Styrofoam Egg
  • Flat push pins

Registration is required for this virtual program. The program includes Take & Make bags that will provide everything you need to make the craft. Take & Make bags will be available for pickup starting a week before the craft program for those who have registered.
The tutorial for this program will be available starting at 2 pm on July 21st visiting
https://www.cc-pl.org/articles. If you have any questions, please contact Jessi Holloway at jholloway@cc-pl.org.


Age Range:   8-14

Newport Branch

Children    Teen    DIY & Crafts