Poetry Slam!
Friday, April 16, 2021
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Writers, poets, and lovers of poetry alike: come join us for a poetry slam! Please feel free to come read your own works, your favorite works or just enjoy the atmosphere!
Program Information
This is a live program that will be conducted in-person. Limit of 10 attendees in-person.
Everyone, age 6 or older, who attends library programs are required to wear masks. Please note any accommodation requests in the Special Needs section of the registration form. All those not arriving together must maintain a 6-foot social distance. If you have any questions, please contact Danielle at dturner@cc-pl.org.
Due to registration limits and social distancing requirements, we encourage adults to remain in the library but to allow their tween/teen [depending on program] to attend the program alone – only if child and adult are comfortable. If an adult needs to accompany a teen, the adult must sit with the teen so as to not contribute to room capacity.
Age Range: 18+
Cold Spring Branch
Register for this event
Registrations are closed for this event.