Take & Make Program: Paper Flower Crowns

Thursday, June 25, 2020
4:00 pm

At some point in your life, there’s a good chance that you have wanted to be a prince or a princess. Well, every prince or princess needs a proper crown. Some prefer shiny jewel encrusted masterpieces that are worth many fortunes and some opt for something less traditional. In this case, we will be making paper flower crowns. Now you might be thinking paper . . . flowers . . . that doesn’t sound cool. Well, you are wrong and they will be majestic! .

Registration is required for this virtual program. The program includes Take & Make bags that will provide everything you need to make the craft. Take & Make bags must be picked up 3 days prior to the craft program for those who have registered  unless arrangements have been made.

The tutorial for this program will be available starting at 4 pm on June 25 by visiting

If you have any questions, please contact Cody at celliott@cc-pl.org.


Colorful paper

Flower cutouts

A pencil


A glue stick


Age Range:   11-19

Newport Branch

Register for this event

Registrations are closed for this event.

Teen    DIY & Crafts