Online Program: Minecraft Club
Monday, July 13, 2020
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Did you know that the library server is still up and running? If you have a Java Minecraft Account, you can join in anytime! And for Minecraft Club this month, we will be running events from 5 PM until 7 PM on the server!
Join other local players in a virtual world, fighting monsters, building large projects together, and hanging out with others. All this from the safety of your own home! If there are any questions, and for the server IP please email Clara at See below for information on getting a Java account if you don’t already!
Minecraft is a game owned by Mojang
It’s a game about placing blocks and going on adventures set in infinitely-generated worlds of wide open terrain – icy mountains, swampy bayous, vast pastures and much more – filled with secrets, wonders and peril!
Visit to get an account today!
Age Range: 8-14
Cold Spring Branch