Floral Arrangements with Amber

Thursday, July 21, 2022
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Join us as Amber from Broken Oaks Farm returns to teach you how to make beautiful floral arrangements for your own home!

To get a tour of the Broken Oaks Farm, a video has been posted on our library channel or use the links listed below.  It will be a laid back lesson about her family farm, the different type of flowers for the summer seasons and how to use a few tips and tricks for making a pretty arrangement out of things that can be found locally at the farmers market or floral counters.  You will make them into something to show off and be proud of!



Please note any accommodation requests in the Special Needs section of the registration form. If you have any accommodation requests or questions please contact Clara at cgerner@cc-pl.org.


Broken Oaks Farm

For more information about Amber and her farm, visit her website!

Videos can be found here:

Broken Oaks Farm Tour from 2020

Broken Oaks Farm Planting Season Tour from 2020


Age Range:   18+

Cold Spring Branch

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Registrations are closed for this event.

Adult    DIY & Crafts