Dungeons and Dragons
Friday, October 1, 2021
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Finding themselves on the outskirts of a sandy battlefield, players are confronted by the gods of soul and passage. Confused by the apparent violence of their fellow gods, these two ask players to investigate a nearby ancient temple where they suspect answers may be found.
Arriving at the Citadel of the Sands, players find a ruin crawling with earth elementals and guardians far more ancient. Puzzles, secrets, and more stand between players and the truth.
After ascending the steps to the ancient viewing augury, the secret of the gods’ wrath is finally at hand! But one final foe will make every effort to take their secrets to the grave.‘
Join DM Clara at the Cold Spring Branch to figure out the mysteries of destruction by the Mad Gods! This is a one shot adventure for up to 6 characters levels 4 using the Players Handbook and Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, so register now as spots are limited! Please note this program is for people ages 18+ only.
*If you have an already established group and are looking for a space to play on this Friday night, please contact Clara and we can make room. Contact her now as space is limited!
Age Range: 18+
Cold Spring Branch
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