Zoom Program: End of the Year Trivia Game
Saturday, December 19, 2020
6:00 pm
2020 has been rough, to say the least — from pandemics that shut down the world, murder hornets, an increase in hurricanes and wildfires, deaths of celebrities, elections and so much more. With so much going on, why don’t we take a look back at the chaos of the year through a Kahoot Trivia Game? The points might be imaginary, but you will have plenty of glories to boast to your friends if you are the winner.
This is a live program that will be conducted via Zoom, a free online video conferencing platform. Registration is required. On the day of the program, we will email you with a link to join the live program. You are not required to have a Zoom account. If you would like to create a free account though, you may do so at https://zoom.us/signup.
If you have any questions, please contact Cody at celliott@cc-pl.org.
Age Range: Adult
Newport Branch
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