Free Tax Preparation from AARP Tax-Aide
Thursday, February 18, 2021
4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide offers free tax preparation service especially for those 50 and older. Tax-Aide’s IRS-certified volunteers are available to prepare individual tax returns on Thursdays beginning February 18th through April 8th, 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm, at our Cold Spring Branch.
For 2021, Tax-Aide will be scheduling appointments and will be scanning tax documents onto their equipment to then prepare offsite. There will be four appointments available each hour for a maximum of 11 appointments each Thursday.
To register for an appointment, complete the registration form below on the day you want to have your taxes prepared and note your desired time in the Special Needs box of the form.
The time options are:
- 4 pm, 4:15, 4:30, 4:45
- 5 pm, 5:15, 5:30, 5:45
- 6 pm, 6:15, 6:30
Be sure to provide your best contact phone number and a library staff member will call to verify the actual time of your appointment. You may also call 859-781-6166, ext. 9, and leave your name, contact number, and your preferred date and time to schedule an appointment. Again, a library staff member will call to verify the actual time of your appointment.
We are unable to accept walk-in appointments this year.
Bring all of the following documents (as applicable) for you and your spouse, if married filing joint return, to ensure Tax-Aide will be able to provide tax assistance:
- Picture ID (for you and your spouse if married filing joint return)
- Social Security documentation (for all those listed on the tax return)
- Copy of last year’s income tax return
- W-2 forms from each employer
- Unemployment compensation statements
- All 1099 forms
- Dependent care provider information
- Receipts if itemizing deductions
- Bank documents for direct deposit of refund
After meeting with a Tax-Aide volunteer, you will be scheduled to return within two weeks, between 5 and 6 pm on a Thursday, to sign your tax documents through the library’s curbside service. On your scheduled date and time, return to our Cold Spring Branch and pull into one of our five curbside spots, call the number on the curbside sign and tell the library staff member that you are here to sign your tax documents. Provide your name and cell phone number. A Tax-Aide representative will be out to assist you. (For those having taxes prepared on April 8th, Tax-Aide will bring you back on Thursday, April 15th, between 5 & 6 pm to sign your taxes, but will be taking no new appointments on April 15th.)
Everyone, age 6 or older, who attends library programs are required to wear masks.
Please note any accommodation requests in the Special Needs section of the registration form.
All those not arriving together must maintain a 6-foot social distance.
If you have any questions, please contact Dave Anderson at
Cold Spring Branch
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Registrations are closed for this event.