Take & Make: Friendship Bracelets from Home

Thursday, July 9, 2020
4:00 pm

Friendship is magic and with the power of friendship we can do anything that we put our minds to. So with this in mind why not make some friendship bracelets to let them know how much you care. We will provide the materials, while you just need to provide the love.

Registration is required for this virtual program. The program includes Take & Make bags that will provide everything you need to make the craft. Take & Make bags must be picked up 3 days prior to the craft program for those who have registered  unless arrangements have been made.

The tutorial for this program will be available starting at 4 pm on July 9th by visiting

If you have any questions, please contact Cody at celliott@cc-pl.org.


Cardboard circles




Age Range:   11-19

Newport Branch

Teen    DIY & Crafts