NKY Forum Zoom Cafe: Confronting COVID-19

Thursday, April 2, 2020
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Dr. Lynne Saddler will talk about the COVID-19 pandemic and take questions at the end.

This program is presented through Zoom.  Just click the link and join the Zoom conference. You can use a PC, a smartphone or a tablet. For the Forum’s Zoom format, attendees will be muted but you can use the chat function to send in your questions and comments. Also, if you prefer, you can dial into the Zoom event as an audio-only participant at 312-626-6799 and use the participant code 779179514. 

Lynn Saddler MD, MPH is the  District Director of Health Northern Kentucky Health.


Northern Kentucky Forum

The Forum’s purpose is to foster civil, civic dialogue on topics of community interest.  The Forum is a partnership between Campbell County Public Library, The Scripps Howard Center, Boone County Public Library and Kenton County Public Library.  For more information about upcoming NKY Forum events visit www.nkyforum.org


Cold Spring Branch
